Food allergies and your body..

Food allergies are very serious ailments. A food allergy is an adverse food reaction by the body’s immune system. There are many different foods that can cause your body to react in an adverse way. The most common food allergens include dairy, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, soy, wheat, and fish.

When your body reacts to the allergens it can cause itching, rash, and hives. Your body will start to swell, especially around the face and throat area. More signs and symptoms of food allergies include respiratory difficulty, congestion, breathlessness, stomach pain, queasiness, vomiting, diarrhea, vertigo and fainting.

It’s important to know how to deal with your food allergies and knowing how to survive if the allergen is ingested. Inform others of your allergy; there are bracelets and necklaces available that state your allergy. Make sure to carry an auto-injector device with epinephrine (adrenaline) in case of an attack. If an attack happens, seek medical help immediately.

Food allergies can also cause other symptoms like GERD or acid reflux and headaches. I got tested for food allergies, and I realized I have a high allergic reaction to peanuts, strawberries and blueberries. These three items were the cause of my acid reflux problem I had for many years. A very close friend of mine had many stomach issues, and she found out after the allergy test that she was allergic to gluten and was diagnosed with celiac disease. 

It is very important to get a food allergy test done because it can save your life! Ask your doctor for a food allergy test if you believe you have or had an allergic reaction before.

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