The Plan-Do-Check-Act in Fitness

As a process improvement consultant, I have worked with many departments that are in need of change. By using the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) methodology for process improvement, we are able to analyze the problem, eliminate waste and apply new changes, check the results, and implement or modify the process.

The PDCA methodology can also be applied to your fitness goals. This tool can help you identify bottlenecks, apply new changes, check the results after the change, and implement or modify your current actions that will ultimately help you get to your desired fitness level.

The quote “If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem” written by Eldridge Cleaver reminded me that sometimes we remain to be the problem and never find a solution. We all have struggles, but if we do not take the time to analyze our problem(s) and come up with a solution(s), we will never achieve the results we want. If your fitness goal is to maintain a healthy weight, but you are constantly eating unhealthy food or eating more calories than what you burn, then it is obvious that your eating is part of the problem, and you know it but do nothing about it.

For the past couple of months, I have been struggling with my weight. I knew I wasn’t following a proper diet, and with my long distance runs, I was burning more calories than I was consuming leaving me in the underweight category. One day, I had to think about what my problem was and make a change. I realized I was part of the problem, not the solution. So I decided to change my training, my diet, and slowly but surely I have been able to gain some weight. I still have a few more pounds to gain, but I will get there. I know my attitude and obsession was part of the problem, but I made a change, I am slowly seeing the results, and I am determined to follow my new plan and have a healthy life!

Remember, be part of the solution! If you haven’t been able to reach your fitness goals, start implementing the PDCA tool by analyzing your problem, look at your actions and make changes…you will then see the results you want! Fitness is a continuous process that has to be constantly improved.

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