Are you bikini ready??

Summer is almost here and we need to look our best for bikini season! These powerful moves will help you get in shape and look your best, so get your workout outfits ready and hit the gym!

Remember to add heavy weights to each exercise if possible.

4 sets of 10-12 reps:

1. Barbell hip thrust

2. Bulgarian split squat

3. Goblet squat

4. Deadlifts

5. Cable quadruped

6. Single leg hip thrust

Add Squat Tuck Jumps for 1 minute in between exercises….you will thank me later!


Baby it’s cold outside workout!

With these low temperatures, there is no way people want to get out and go to the gym….no worries, I got you! You can put on some music, no weights required, and get your workout on!

Repeat as many times as you can handle….50 sec work, 10 sec rest

1. Jumping Jacks

2. Squats

3. Jump Squats

4. Front lunges – left leg

5. Front lunges – right leg

6. Jump lunges

7. Supermans

8. Push ups

9. Tricep dips

10. Burpees with push up

11. Planks

12. Side planks both left and right

13. Mountain Climbers

14. V ups

Stay warm!!


A little bit of back…..A little bit of chest!

Excited about Christmas??? Me too! But that doesn’t mean you get an entire week off from the gym. If you are not able to go to the gym during the holiday season, find other alternatives to stay fit and watch your calorie intake. Enjoy the holidays!

Chest and Back Workout:

4 sets, 15-20 reps each (Light to Moderate weight)

1. Chest press (with bar)

2. Single arm chest press left arm (with dumbbell)

3. Single arm chest press right arm (with dumbbell)

4. Flys (with dumbbells)

5. Superman lift to push up

6. Back seated row

7. Pull downs or pulls ups

8. Bent over row

9. Push up row (with dumbbells)

10. 20 Straight leg ab lift and chest press (using 20 lbs bar)


Killer legs..

Just like guys tend to focus more on the upper body area, us ladies tend to focus more on the lower body….that means legs!

Here’s my leg workout for this week. Let those skinny jeans, dress, or tights be your motivation for it. Remember, the holidays are here and so is all the fatty food we all enjoy. Do it for the extra piece of cake, the extra plate, the drinks….well, just do it!

6 exercises, 3 sets, 20 reps each (grab some heavy dumbbells)

1. Static lunges – each leg

2. Pile squats

3. Side lunges – each leg

4. Lunge with front kick – each leg

5. Curtsey squat with side kick – each leg

6. Jump squats

7 exercises, 3 sets, 8-10 reps each (heavy weight)

1. Kettle bell swing

2. Lunges with squat (L&R lunge, 2 squats, repeal 8-10 times)

3. Leg press

4. Deadlift and clean press

5. Leg extension

6. Hamstring curls

7. Butt Kicks

Because you are just awesome……DROP AND GIVE ME 50 BURPEES!!!!


Ride Along…

I love working out, but cycling has never been my thing. However, I might have to give it a try after reading some of the amazing benefits this exercise provides. Whether you like to cycle for fun, or to take advantage of the health benefits….just ride along and discover what this type of exercise provides to you. I bet after reading this, you would definitely try it at least once!

According to an article published by Derek Markham, cycling is one of the best all-around activities for improving our health. Keep reading….

  1. Good for your heart: cycling will get your going; blood flow improves and so is your cardiovascular fitness which in return, helps decrease the risk of heart disease.
  2. Good for your muscles: cycling works your lower body – calves, thighs, and your rear end. So, if you don’t want to hit the weights, try cycling for a few miles with a high intensity rhythm…you will definitely feel the burn!
  3. Good for your waistline: regardless of exercise, if you keep your body moving, you will burn calories. Cycling does the same thing! This exercise helps keep your weight down, and speed up your metabolism.
  4. Good for mental health: cycling outdoors can definitely be fun, and helps get your mind of from other things that could be stressing you out. Seeing nature distracts and eases your mind, keeps you focused, and relaxed.
  5. Good for your immune system: cycling helps prevent certain kinds of cancers, as well as keeping your immune system strong and healthy.

Would you like to go for a ride? Go for it!


Markham, Derek. (2011, October). “The top 7 health benefits of cycling”. Retrieved from:



Girls Just Wanna Have Guns…

It is time to give your legs a break and focus on your upper body and work those guns! Here are three upper body workout samples you can start doing today! Like I mentioned on my previous blog “The Magic 6”, our upper body can do 6 different movements. These workouts are a combination of those 6 movements…so start now and show those guns!

Workout Routine #1

  1. Bench Press
  2. Seated Cable Rows
  3. Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press
  4. Lat Pull-Downs
  5. Laying Barbell Extensions
  6. Barbell Curls

Workout Routine #2

  1. Pull-Ups
  2. Seated Barbell Shoulder Press
  3. Chest Supported Machine Rows
  4. Flat Dumbbell Bench Press
  5. Dumbbell Curls
  6. Cable Press-Downs

 Workout Routine #3

  1. Bent Over Barbell Rows
  2. Incline Bench Press
  3. Chin-Ups
  4. Lateral Raises
  5. Overhead Dumbbell Triceps Extension
  6. Preacher Curls
